a team that is here for you.


Have you ever had a flight cancel, re-route or depart late, compromising the rest of

your trip?

Have you ever arrived at the hotel front desk, only to be told your reservation isn't there?

Or showed up for your tour to learn that it was cancelled or rescheduled with no warning?

We've Got Your Back

Having a team behind you with contacts and resources across the globe can turn a stressful situation into a SOLVED situation. We have the ability and knowhow to work behind the scenes, finding the best resolutions to unexpected travel woes so that you don't have to, and so your vacation will go on without a hitch.

When you travel with Traverse, you are in the
BEST of hands. We make it our mission to problem-solve, and resolve for you, because the only memories you want you to bring back from your trip are the good, the great, and the absolutely wonderful.

So, the next time you plan a trip, ask yourself, "Am I covered for the 'what ifs' " ?

If the answer is "no", you deserve more for your next getaway.

Let us show you how relaxing traveling can really be!

What Does 24/7 Trip Support Mean?

  • Immediate Assistance

    With round-the-clock support, you have access to assistance whenever you need it.

    Whether it's during the planning phase, while en route, or at your destination, you can reach out to a knowledgeable support team who can promptly address any concerns, provide guidance, and offer solutions.

    This ensures that you or your group's needs are met efficiently and effectively.

  • Travel Issue Resolution

    Travel can be unpredictable, and unexpected issues can arise at any time These can include flight delays, cancellations, changes in accommodations, etc.

    With 24/7 support, you have a dedicated team available to assist you in real-time! We help rebook flights, arrange alternative accommodations, or find solutions to any challenges that may arise.

    This minimizes disruptions and allows you to navigate unexpected situations smoothly.

  • Emergency Support

    In the event of emergencies or critical situations, having 24/7 support is invaluable.

    Whether it's a medical emergency, lost documents, or other urgent matters, a reliable support team is just a phone call away.

    We provide immediate assistance, connect you with necessary resources, and guide you through the appropriate steps to ensure the safety and well-being of your group.

  • Peace of Mind

    Knowing that you have access to 24/7 travel support brings peace of mind. It alleviates concerns about potential travel mishaps or uncertainties, as you have a dedicated team ready to assist you whenever needed.

    This allows you and your group to relax and enjoy your travel experience with confidence, knowing that any issues that may arise will be swiftly addressed.

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